IMG 5764 LC Services

Driving sales and generating leads for an independent chromatography service and parts supplier


With over 30 years of experience, LC Services is a trusted chromatography services and parts supplier for analytical instrumentation.

Looking to grow the sales volume of their reconditioned parts and instruments, the organisation sought help from Purpose Media to build awareness and generate leads online. 


Recognising the high profit margins associated with refurbished equipment, LC Services wanted to make this offering a more significant revenue stream. 

Building on their already existing relationship with the company, understanding of the industry and the company’s competitors, Purpose Media implemented a multi-channel digital marketing campaign to promote their reconditioned parts programme. 

Our team of specialists developed compelling video animations, a dedicated landing page, and informative blog and brochure content to educate and engage potential customers, enhancing user experience and supporting lead generation efforts. 

A series of emails and organic social posts were drafted to complement the campaign, maintaining consistent engagement with the audience and helping to drive traffic to the landing page. 

Through LinkedIn retargeting ads, we kept the reconditioned programme front of mind, while enhancing brand awareness by re-engaging with website visitors. 


Our multi-channel approach yielded impressive results. 

Compared to the previous year, LC Services achieved a remarkable 122% increase in revenue. 

Lead generation efforts were highly successful, evidenced by 50% more form submissions. 

Return on investment was also optimised, with a 12% increase in average order value. 

On top of this, significant increases in website traffic were observed, with a 56% rise in visits to product pages and a notable 71% growth in category page traffic. 

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Quote Mark

I’m a big advocate for giving credit where it’s due, and Purpose Media have always done great things for us. They’ve put across some exciting new ideas, and we look forward to seeing where it all takes us.”

Charlie Bootman
Operations Manager at LC Service
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