Cultivating success: The crucial role of culture in business

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April 4, 2024
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A company’s culture plays a pivotal role in shaping its identity, influencing its performance and, ultimately, defining its trajectory in the marketplace.

Organisational culture encompasses the shared values, beliefs and behaviours which guide interactions and decision-making within a business. It is the invisible force that shapes employee attitudes, drives engagement and influences outcomes – for both staff and clients.

And fostering the right culture is a key objective at Purpose Media, guiding the way we work, the environment we operate in and even the people we hire.

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Of course, we’re not alone in recognising its importance. A survey of 6,500 staff and managers by global recruitment agency Robert Half International found that 35 per cent of workers would decline a job offer if the opportunity was a perfect fit but the corporate culture wasn’t.

The same study found that 91 per cent of bosses believed a candidate’s fit within the organisation was as important – or even more important – than skills and experience.

Purpose Media managing director Matt Wheatcroft believes organisational culture is key to creating sustainable business success.

It may not be discussed every day, but culture shapes everything a business does. It affects every bit of work that gets done and the way your customers and your people think about the company” he says.

“Products and business models can be copied but a positive, enabling culture, which adapts to changing conditions and finds new ways to succeed, is the ultimate competitive advantage.

In Matt’s view, these are six key reasons why achieving the right corporate culture is so important:

Employee engagement and productivity

A positive workplace culture fosters a sense of belonging and purpose amongst employees. When individuals feel valued, respected and supported, they are more likely to invest their time and energy into their work, resulting in increased efficiency and performance.

Talent attraction and retention

A strong organisational culture acts as a magnet for prospective employees who align with the company’s values and vision. Additionally, it cultivates a sense of loyalty and commitment amongst existing staff, reducing turnover rates and preserving institutional knowledge.

Innovation and creativity

Cultures which encourage openness, experimentation and risk-taking are fertile grounds for creativity. When employees feel empowered to express their ideas without fear of judgment, they are more likely to contribute innovative solutions and drive meaningful change within the organisation.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty

A company’s culture extends beyond its internal dynamics and directly impacts the customer experience. Businesses that prioritise customer-centric values and behaviours are better equipped to deliver exceptional service, build trust and cultivate long-lasting relationships with their clients.

Adaptability and resilience

Organisations whose cultures encourage continuous learning and flexibility can quickly respond to changing market conditions, embrace new technologies and navigate unforeseen challenges to stay ahead of the competition.

Brand reputation and differentiation

A company’s culture shapes its reputation in the eyes of customers, investors and the broader community. Businesses with authentic, values-driven cultures stand out from competitors, command greater trust and loyalty and create lasting impressions that transcend products or services.


Establishing a positive company culture is difficult and takes work but Matt believes it is time well invested.

So, how has Purpose Media addressed the challenge?

Quote Mark
“We started by defining our core values as a team and ensuring we were living up to them. Then, when we made new hires, we brought in people who not only had the skills we needed but also were a good fit with those values,” Matt explains.
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Matt Wheatcroft
Managing Director

“We’ve created a positive work environment, investing in a modern, comfortable, flexible workspace and supporting our team with their development and identifying clear career progression pathways.

“We encourage open and honest communication, so people are comfortable in sharing ideas and feedback.

“And we celebrate success. The work we do is challenging but we have a proud track record of helping our clients achieve growth. A win for them is a win for our team and so it’s important to take time to recognise those accomplishments.”

Could you be a good fit with the Purpose Media culture?

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