Purpose Media team amongst finalists for Generation Next Awards

Several rising stars from the Purpose Media team have been named as finalists at the Generation Next Awards 2024.

Organised by East Midlands Chamber, the Generation Next Awards recognise the best young professionals in the region across 12 different categories.

Purpose Media’s five nominations not only highlight the achievements of individuals but also underscore the company’s commitment to nurturing and developing young talent.


Purpose finalists in the awards are:

Alistair Bullock, Head of Video – Creators and Makers Award

Ollie Henderson, Designer – Creators and Makers Award

Josh Donnell, Technical Lead – Innovation and Technology Award

Ruby Birks, Partnership Manager – Future Leader Award

Purpose Media – Investing in Young Talent Award


New for 2024, the Investing in Young Talent Award is aimed at acknowledging businesses with a forward-thinking approach who provide mentorship, training and growth opportunities for young people.

Managing Director Matt Wheatcroft, said: “Purpose Media is passionate about supporting the region’s young talent. We firmly believe that investing in the development and growth of emerging professionals is not only beneficial for the individuals themselves but also crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of our industry.

“We take great pride in seeing our team members flourish and succeed, and being named finalists at the Generation Next Awards is a testament to their hard work and dedication.

“We look forward to continuing to champion the next generation of leaders, ensuring that they have the support and resources they need to reach their full potential.”

Posted by: Purpose Media
Posted on: 01.05.2024
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